The Church Renewal Podcast
The Church Renewal Podcast is a conversation for church leaders eager to see our churches refreshed by the gospel. The only fully sufficient reason that today dawned is that Jesus is yet gathering a people and using the church to do it. Come and join us as we dig into the ways Jesus is renewing his church.
Podcasting since 2020 • 84 episodes
The Church Renewal Podcast
Latest Episodes
What is the Future of the Church Renewal podcast?
Hey! It’s me again. Are you wondering what the future of the Church Renewal Podcast is? What ideas and topics are still out there waiting to be explored. Well, we wanted to scratch that itch for you and bring you a quick update on where we are ...
Season 3
Episode 30

Will Flourish Place Outside of the PCA?
We are jumping back into your podcast feed to bring you a bonus episode, cuz we love you. Today I sit down with Matt Bohling to ask him If Flourish Coaches work with churches outside of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). Spoiler alert, i...
Season 3
Episode 29

Why is the Transitional Period So Important to the Life of the Church?
I bet you were not expecting another bonus episode from your favorite two Flourish voices were you? That’s okay, we’re full of surprises! Today we are giving you a big picture, yet short conversation. We are talking about why the transition per...
Season 3
Episode 28

Where Did the Flourish Model Come From?
Surprise! I’m back with another bonus episode from Flourish Coaching. This conversation between me and Matt is a bit more retrospective and historical. As the Executive Director of Flourish Coaching, Matt Bohling’s personal story and life exper...
Season 3
Episode 27

What are the Advantages of Using a Flourish Transitional Pastor? Part 2
Today we are going to take a second look at the broader church transitioning field and I’m going to ask Matt about the specifics that distinguish Flourish coaches from other organizations that work in this same space. You might be surprised by ...
Season 3
Episode 26