The Church Renewal Podcast

Church Renewal Defined: The Means of Grace

May 15, 2020 Flourish Coaching Season 1 Episode 26

"They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Acts 2:42

This is the last installment of our episodes working through Flourish's definition of church renewal. In church renewal we seek to bring people into deeper and more meaningful encounters with God's word, prayer, and the sacraments of the church. These basic tools of discipleship become more meaningful and drive us toward mission when our churches are renewed by the gospel.

Tell us about your churches engagement with the word and prayer. Or reach out and connect with a coach to begin more holistic discipleship in your church. Connect with Flourish onFacebook, Twitter, or on the web.

The Church Renewal Podcast is a production of Flourish Coaching. Flourish exists to set leaders free to be effective wherever God has called them. When pastors and churches get stuck, Flourish Coaches renew their hope in the gospel and help them gain strategic clarity.

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